The magic at the tip of the record needle

    "She" lives with cats, loves flowers, and apparently even plays the guitar.
    When the needle drops on the record that "she" has chosen, the white walls and table are colored with sounds and words.

    Shiika, an illustrator from Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, weaves words with a delicate and clear sensibility and creates illustrations with freely spreading branches of images.
    "She" feels like an alter ego of shiika, but I also feel like she is similar to me. That's because anyone who loves music should know the magic of how the space changes the moment sound is released, just like "she".
    This book allows you to experience the magic of sounds and smells emerging in three dimensions from the flatness of paper.

    When making small-lot prints, you often face problems with budgets and specifications. The dreams of "I want to make it like this!" grow endlessly, but to make it a reality, you need to pay a fair price. I have had the experience of giving up on my ideals due to various reasons such as time and budget.
    But this collection of works makes up for that with passionate DIY. The time-consuming thread-stitching was done by Bobby, the owner of the indie label Chocolate and Lemonade in Saku City, and the careful stitching and pale blue thread are lovely.
    The planning and art direction was done by Kuno-san of rovakk musikk. The ideals of craftsmanship are crammed into this stylish publication that conveys the excitement of music and art, in keeping with the philosophy of the charming shop.

    The 24th solar term is Daikan. But why not try opening a collection of works that start in August?
    The memories, smells, and music of the sad end of summer are projected into the white space of my mind. I can feel the magic created by these little books even more.


    Text and photos: fumika arasawa
    After working as a freelancer, I now work for a company and occasionally help out my friends.
    Instagram: @fumika

    * Click here to purchase related products at rovakk musikk.


    Artwork: shiika
    Format: book
    Product no.: rovakk001
    Link: https://rovakk.com/products/shiika-somewhere-in-her-roomnew


    A variety of artworks that will inspire your design spirit bloom on your walls every day.
    Designer Arasawa Fumika will introduce one piece each time.
    We plan to update the database once a month, at the time of the second solar term (around the 20th of each month).
    We look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments section or on Instagram.

    Bookmarks and archives can be found here .
