• [GIVEAWAY] Announcement of distribution of free paper "Catwalk"

    [GIVEAWAY]フリーペーパー “Catwalk / ねこあるき” 配布のお知らせ
    We have begun distributing the information magazine "Catwalk" published by Matsumoto City Art Museum (Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture).
    A catwalk is a narrow corridor installed in the ceiling or other space above a stage for staff to walk through.
    The paper is a 2-in-1 layout, with "Catwalk" covering articles related to art museums, mainly theater and performance art, and "Nekoaruki" introducing information about the city of Matsumoto, and can be read from either side.
    This free paper will be randomly included as a bonus when your order is shipped.
    You can also order the issue you want by adding it to your cart as a free item (we do not accept orders for free papers alone).
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