• Implementation of simple packaging and eco-packaging | Updated 2023.11.20

    簡易包装・エコパッケージの実施について | 2023.11.20更新
    Last updated: November 22, 2023
    In order to respond to increased operating costs due to rising prices and to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities, rovakk musikk will gradually switch to simple packaging for shipments made after September 9, 2023.
    We will also review the materials used and operating policies.

    Main changes

    We will be switching from individual packaging in new OPP bags to bulk packaging.
    To ensure waterproofing during transportation, we will use biomass OPP bags (10% biomass plastic) or biomass plastic shopping bags (25% biomass plastic) to package ordered items together.
    The same applies if you order only one item, in which case the item will end up being individually packaged.

    For cushioning, we mainly use recyclable materials such as kraft paper, recycled paper, and cardboard scraps.
    As a general rule, we will not use bubble wrap, but we may use reusable material obtained during the product arrival process, or we may have to use bubble wrap in cases where we feel it is the best way to pack an item depending on its shape.

    In addition, we use Kraft packaging tape as a general rule. Cellophane tape that is applied in parts will be replaced with natural materials.

    Records (7inch, 10inch, 12inch, LP)

    ・New products that are shrink-wrapped
    → We do not provide individual packaging. You can add the individual packaging service to your cart as an option .

    - If the product is new and already packed in an OPP bag when it arrives, it will be shipped in that condition.
    If you would like the disc removed from its jacket before shipping, please indicate this in the "Special Instructions" section.

    ・New products that are not shrink-wrapped and sealed will be individually wrapped in a new OPP bag. The cost of the OPP bag will not be added to the product price (free of charge).
    As a general rule, discs will be packed outside of their jackets to prevent them from falling out.

    ・Used products will be individually packaged in new OPP bags.
    The price will be revised to include the cost of "individually wrapped in OPP cellophane wrap" (12 to 20 yen). There is no need to add it to your cart.
    In addition, if you purchase before the price change, there will be no additional charges.
    As a general rule, discs will be packed outside of their jackets to prevent them from falling out.

    CDs, books, cassettes, and other miscellaneous goods

    ・New products that are shrink-wrapped
    → Items will not be individually wrapped.

    - If the product is new and already packed in an OPP bag when it arrives, it will be shipped in that condition.

    ・New products that are not shrink-wrapped or sealed will not be individually wrapped.

    ・Used products will not be individually wrapped.

    *For CDs, you can add an optional individual packaging service to your cart.


    The OPP bags for records and CDs that we provide are cellophane pack bags (manufactured by Disk Union) that can be opened and closed repeatedly.

    We believe that by using OPP bags on a daily basis for a long time after purchase as storage bags for your precious records, you can reduce the burden on the environment.
    * Operation and materials used will be updated from time to time.

    I made a monthly donation to WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) as an individual member from March 2023 to June 2024.
    From now on, I will donate to causes that I can relate to on a topic-by-topic basis.
    In the future, we also aim to join as a business member under the name rovakk musikk (starting from 200,000 yen per year).

    rovakk music
    Hisano Kei

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