A DAY IN THE LIFE A story of an ordinary city during the new coronavirus pandemic, drawn by seven authors from seven cities. [NEW]

A DAY IN THE LIFE 7都市・7人の作家が描く新型コロナウイルス・パンデミック下での、いつもの街の物語
  • A DAY IN THE LIFE 7都市・7人の作家が描く新型コロナウイルス・パンデミック下での、いつもの街の物語
  • A DAY IN THE LIFE A story of an ordinary city during the new coronavirus pandemic, drawn by seven authors from seven cities. [NEW]
  • A DAY IN THE LIFE A story of an ordinary city during the new coronavirus pandemic, drawn by seven authors from seven cities. [NEW]

A collection of manga works created by seven artists living in seven cities around the world, with the theme of "usual life in the city" after the coronavirus pandemic.
This is a book that can help you feel like someone from far away as an individual, understand their differences, and gain empathy.

Participating artists

■ Wisut Ponnimit (Bangkok, Thailand)
Wisut Ponnimit (Bangkok/Thailand)

■ Gao Yan (Taipei/Taiwan)
Gao Yan (Taipei/Taiwan)

■ Satoshi Kayama (Berlin/Germany)
Tetsu Kayama (Berlin/Germany)

■ Julia Nascimento (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Julia Nascimento (Gothenburg/Sweden)

■ Inori Kito (Tokyo, Japan)
Inori Kito (Tokyo/Japan)

■ Silvia Vanni (Oderzo Italy)
Silvia Vanni (Oderzo/Italy)
■Troy Chin (Singapore)
Troy Chin (Singapore)
Artwork: Tania Bicedo (binding/design)
Format: Softcover
size :A5
Label: Yoyosha Released: April 28, 2021 First edition Volume 1
Language: Japanese
Page count: 144p
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